Why do Dems not want Christine Ford to be heard Why did they suppress her letter for months?
Why do Dems not want Christine Ford to be heard Why did they suppress her letter for months?
Why do Dems not want Christine Ford to be heard Why did they suppress her letter for months?
Wth is with democrats? They want Kavanaugh to testify to "accusations" before Dr. Ford testifies?
Do Democrats understand how our justice system works? Do they understand what "evidence" is? You can't just say someone did something to you from decades ago and then can't remember when or where or produce a credible witness. What a JOKE!
Kavanaugh is receiving protection from the US Marshals. Dr. Ford has to pay for her own protection. This is despicable.
They were yelling "we believe survivors" at Cruz.
How do they know she is telling the truth?
I mean, they have more experience than any of the rest of us. IT seems like they would have some insight.
Now she does not want to show up this Thursday. It is starting to look like she does not want to be sworn in.
Look, I thought we needed to hear her story, and see if there's any evidence, and weigh it all. But, she is not telling the story. So far it is all hearsay.
I think we're done with this. She has been given the opportunity to say her piece in a private or public hearing. If she does not show up, well, then that is that.
Ford hired lawyers at the beginning of August, so why doesn't she come out until AFTER the confirmation hearings are done and over with?
Is Ford a liar since she says she can't remember the house that it happened at and can't remember when it happened?