Don't you think it would be appropriate that Dr. Ford have to publicly list all the boyfriends and what they did together?

Starting in the 6th till she was married so the nation can understand her sexual fantasies and understand why a loner and drunk would act the way she does in the name of science?

Added (1). "what is relevant is what Kavanaugh did to her."… Which is nothing. The drunk didn't tell her parents or her best friend. She was so out of it she can't remember how she got home. After 13,000 days, she isn't going to remember what happened better after thinking about it for a week. She will only get better when she rehearses her script with her lawyer for a week.

Isn't the trouble with being a trophy husband is when your wife's drinking causes her not to remember anything but Dr. Ford will press on?

Isn't the trouble with being a trophy husband is when your wife's drinking causes her not to remember anything but Dr. Ford will press on?

Added (1). and you are left to pick up the pieces and try to shelter the children the best you can?

Added (2). Anon, if you admired her, why don't you post your name? Is it because you are one of the victims that Waters to in the bathroom, wanted to strip naked, and whip because of your skin color? Sorry you don't have the courage to do the right thing. Maybe in 36 years, you too can have the courage.

Can a Democrat give me a list of factors that makes Dr Ford's claim credible?

Can a Democrat give me a list of factors that makes Dr Ford's claim credible?

Added (1). I'll even start your list for you ok?

1. She's a woman.


Added (2). Only 1 brave Democrat so far ( Who crashed and burned )

That's it?

Added (3). So far we have her husband ( who's a man )
High School kids like to party

That's it.

Exercise and push ups?

I know to exercise but before my vacation had this lump behind my ear end up & i got little worried but end up being big cyst acne pimple anyways I went to dermatologist doctor and he said my weight is normal and look good so at that time I weight 108 before i left and i went & came back after my one month vacation so i've again about 10 pound from delicious food we have had but i end up losing the weight every year that i come back to 108 again anyways I want to start exercise again since starting to cool down again & where i live it been 110 in Summer and Winter get up to 60 degrees during the day and i walk my two dogs every night or early moring, so i want to start exercise in my tummy, because it can look like i be 5 months prego so i was wondering of how many push up and sit up do i need to start? I'm happy with my weight but i want to build up muscles at home since can't ford the gym right now & i walk every day around our park with my dogs and size is big circle & it's round the pound so how many times a day should I do my sit up and push ups

Dose the person behind Hillary ( dressed in a. Blanket with pockets ) look familiar to you?

Is that Dr Ford's lawyer?

Added (1). rut roh… For somebody who thinks this is clearly photoshop… Why are you repeatedly moving the question? I'm not suggesting anything.

Added (2). Hey Coward Anon who has me blocked.

DUH - The point is not when it was taken, the point is that the accusers Lawyer and Hillary Clinton are tight. And you want to claim it's not ' politics ' ? Lol Dose the person behind Hillary dressed in a. Blanket with pockets look familiar to you

Libs: Republican leaders in the Senate have scheduled a committee vote on Friday. I read 4 things into this. Tell me why I'm wrong?

1. Senate republicans have scheduled a committee vote on the calendar for the day after thursdays hearing. The fact that they have scheduled it at all, before they hear what Ford has to say under oath, tells me that they don't believe Ford's testimony against Kavanaugh's will sway the neccesary key senators against Kavanaugh. Keep in mind they would know which way their collegues are leaning.

2. Similar to number 1, the fact that they have scheduled a committee vote tells me that they are confident that they will have at least 50 votes in favor of confirmation when it gets to the Senate floor for a full vote.

Whether this is achieved by all republicans uniting behind Kavanaugh, or by losing some key republicans like Murkowski but picking up a few democrats like Manchin and Heitkamp, I doubt McConnell would be pushing full steam ahead to a full senate vote if he didn't think he had the numbers on his side.

3. It tells me that they are not fearful of anything that the sensationalist attorney Michael Avenatti might cough up.

4. It tells me that this is the FINAL 11th hour, and if anyone out there has anything more convincing to present against Kavanaugh, they better speak now or forever hold their peace.