I simply can't see these political posers - Blasey-Ford and now Ramirez - as assault victims the way I do actual assault victims. How?

Can anyone not see this for what it is?

A desperate political party with no scruples staging an all-out, childish smear campaign.

Added (1). The impact of crying wolf will backfire on them this Friday and in November.
But FAR WORSE is the impact it will have on the actual victims of sexual assault.
Are they happy?


Agreed. If there was a scrap of evidence other than their 30+ year old fuzzy memories, I might have more empathy. They are political hacks being used by the democratic party.

Its pretty ridiculous. I hope they are smart enough to pass some legislation to prevent this kind of disruption in the future unless there's hard evidence and witnesses. They 'have to' present an accusation under oath and under pain of perjury for fabricating things.

Making last-minute false + wild allegations against a conservative candidate is a standard DNC tactic. It works a lot of the time.

Two guys at work the other morning I over heard joking about the case, one a white man and the other a middle-aged black man. Says WM to BM, "so, I'm hearing your want to find someone to listen to your story about Kavanagh touching your pee-pee when you were in kindergarten. There might be some good money in it" The black dude laughed as they both walked off and moved on to different conversation…

It's become a farce and everyone knows it.

With Kavanaugh's age, he could possibly be influencing the Supreme Court well into the 2050's. That is ALL the liberals can see.

Grow up

Most of us get the idea.

It is an insult to the true assault victims yet the libs don't care how low they stoop.

The confirmation is a sham. Any judge that doesn't want an investigation or witness testimony is either incompetent guilty or both. The only reason Kavanaugh was appointed is that he said he doesn't believe the president should be indicted while still hold the office.