Libs: Republican leaders in the Senate have scheduled a committee vote on Friday. I read 4 things into this. Tell me why I'm wrong?

1. Senate republicans have scheduled a committee vote on the calendar for the day after thursdays hearing. The fact that they have scheduled it at all, before they hear what Ford has to say under oath, tells me that they don't believe Ford's testimony against Kavanaugh's will sway the neccesary key senators against Kavanaugh. Keep in mind they would know which way their collegues are leaning.

2. Similar to number 1, the fact that they have scheduled a committee vote tells me that they are confident that they will have at least 50 votes in favor of confirmation when it gets to the Senate floor for a full vote.

Whether this is achieved by all republicans uniting behind Kavanaugh, or by losing some key republicans like Murkowski but picking up a few democrats like Manchin and Heitkamp, I doubt McConnell would be pushing full steam ahead to a full senate vote if he didn't think he had the numbers on his side.

3. It tells me that they are not fearful of anything that the sensationalist attorney Michael Avenatti might cough up.

4. It tells me that this is the FINAL 11th hour, and if anyone out there has anything more convincing to present against Kavanaugh, they better speak now or forever hold their peace.

Finally! This has gone on long enough, it's time to get down to business.

Ford won't testify under oath.

Creepy lawyer has nothing

Mitch McConnell told my Senator, who told our PAC in a conference call, that Kavanaugh will be confirmed with votes to spare. There are Democrats crossing the aisle to confirm. Although names weren't mentioned, I'm guessing Heitkamp, Donnelly, and Manchin.

Heitcamp's name is German for "confirmer." FACT

I'm not a "lib", thus I'm not insane.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be the next Supreme Court Justice and there isn't anything the moonbats can do about it.

You may be right on your analysis, but wrong in terms of morality. Why on earth would we be rushing this? We're looking at appointing this guy to a lifetime post on the Supreme Court. He will have immense power. We shouldn't be rushing to make this decision. Why are they voting the same day they hear Ford's testimony? Why are they not supboenaing Mark Judge, the alleged witness to the alleged assault? Why not wait to see if the FBI can turn up anything or to see if other women come forward with allegations? There's absolutely no legitimate reason, other than partisan politics, to try and rush through this confirmation.