Dose the person behind Hillary ( dressed in a. Blanket with pockets ) look familiar to you?

Is that Dr Ford's lawyer?

Added (1). rut roh… For somebody who thinks this is clearly photoshop… Why are you repeatedly moving the question? I'm not suggesting anything.

Added (2). Hey Coward Anon who has me blocked.

DUH - The point is not when it was taken, the point is that the accusers Lawyer and Hillary Clinton are tight. And you want to claim it's not ' politics ' ? Lol Dose the person behind Hillary dressed in a. Blanket with pockets look familiar to you

Dose she look fameliar too yoo Taylor

All I see is a shower curtain with a head.

Cons are just obsessed with hillary clinton

I'd suggest you see a shrink

LOL that was taken in 2016 at a campaign fundraiser hosted by Cher- nice try

Looks like she forgot to take off her jammies