How much is the Democrat party paying Mrs. Christine Ford for her story about Justice Kavanaugh?
How much is the Democrat party paying Mrs. Christine Ford for her story about Justice Kavanaugh?
How much is the Democrat party paying Mrs. Christine Ford for her story about Justice Kavanaugh?
Is Ford being brought up on perjury charges yet?
Is it Judge Kavanaugh's fault that Cristina Ford can't fit into her stretch pants?
If no one saw Kavanaugh attacking Christine Ford, it couldn't possibly have happened. True or false?
Libs: if Ford breaks down tomorrow, and admits she lied will you apologize to Kavanaugh?
Where is Christine Blasey Ford right now? Is she planning to fly out to Washington DC tomorrow? Shouldn't she be at airport today?
What time does the big game (aka Christine Blasey Ford's testimony) start tomorrow? What's the best way to watch this?
She could be seen driving on Highway 70.
Please keep us updated we would not want her to be late.
What will the all the GOP Senators be doing tomorrow while Rachel Mitchell questions Kavanaugh and Dr Ford? Just sit there, like turds?