Why did Ford first reveal the incident in couples' therapy with her husband in 2012 and not before the wedding?
Why did Ford first reveal the incident in couples' therapy with her husband in 2012 and not before the wedding?
Why did Ford first reveal the incident in couples' therapy with her husband in 2012 and not before the wedding?
So why doesn't someone inform her she is not testifying against the Clintons and doesn't need protection?
When she enter the room the democrats will give her a standing ovation like she was Neil Armstrong retuning from the first moon landing, or instead of questioning her then each democrat will give a long speech praising her for her courage for coming forward as though she was Florence Nightengale, Rosie Parks, and Susan B. Antony all rolled into one.
Of course the galley will be filled with paid screaming women to disrupted the hearing, but not the praising of Ford, turning the whole thing into a Jerry Springer type show.
Ford's testimony will be very vague, and sketchy full of "I can't remember because I was so drunk" but I clearly remember what I have been coached by the democrats to say at this hearing.
Here's what happened: They were both in Sam Goody's store during the winter of 1986. For those that don't know, the store sold CDs and blank VHS tapes.
My grandmother wouldn't move out of her way when Ford was trying to teach for Chris Isaak's latest album. Ford told her to move out of the way and angrily forced herself past my grandmother to the floor. Her head slammed into the floor and was bleeding. She was taken to the hospital. My family and i saw Ford run out of the store. We called the police but she was gone.
She caused an injury in my family
I want justice. I'm thinking about talking to the media
Added (1). Btw, her record also scraped against someone next to her. Records are very big and sharp for those that don't know. Want to find this person to collaborate my story.
Why did Ford go upstairs?
Or she was known as an easy girl in the whole college
What did she say he did?
Christine Ford is an ugly 4 or 6 at best. She wishes someone tried to bang her! Can't Dems hire a hot actress?
People have been verbally slaughtering him and he hasn't been found guilty of anything. And no, the republicans haven't been stifling anything. Dianne Feinstein did stifle, though, when she sat on this letter from Christine Blasey Ford for 6 weeks. You'd think that she'd think that letter would be important to the FBI in vetting Kavanaugh. But nope! She drops this at the 11th hour.
Why don't we just toss Dr Ford/etc and Kavanaugh in a lake and we will know who ever drowns was telling the truth?
Added (1). matter of fact we should do that w/ politicians