Is Ford being brought up on perjury charges yet?
Is Ford being brought up on perjury charges yet?
The stupid little world that conservatives have created out of lies is falling apart.
Read her statement. It was carefully written to say nothing and allege nothing. It is 100% insinuation.
No because you have to testify to be charged with perjury, like Trump will have to testify soon.
Another poorly-educated Trump supporter.
you have to testify under oath first, in order to be charged with perjury
look up the definition of words first before you post
If lying merited capital punishment, Trump would have needed far more than9 lives.
Has she committed perjury yet?
since she says she will not testify under oath
thats gonna be kind of hard to do
Yes, for more information, visit Fantasyland in Disneyworld.
If she is caught lying under oath I certainly hope she is prosecuted for perjury to the fullest extent of the law.
Gerald ford? I think he died.
She's not going to show up.
- Why haven't the Clintons been brought onto MSNBC as consultants for the Ford story? I mean, they have more experience than any of the rest of us. IT seems like they would have some insight.
- Was it peculiar when Kavanagh complained about the hearing yesterday and he brought up the 2016 election and then the Clintons? I saw the logic, but I do not think these things deal much with Ford when she was 14. Or what Brett and Mark Judge and some guy named PJ did or did not do during that summer.
- No that it looks like Kavanagh has the votes to win will Ford file charges with the Maryland police? Last week they said they would investigate it if she files a complaint. The Democrats need another dirty trick…
- If Graham is so upset about people making charges without evidence then why is he accusing Ford of lying without any evidence and the DNC? "putting her up to it" with no evidence for that claim either? Privately? Why? These are public hearings and a lifelong appointment. If somebody's going to speak up they'd better do it now.