Was it peculiar when Kavanagh complained about the hearing yesterday and he brought up the 2016 election and then the Clintons?

I saw the logic,


I do not think these things deal much with Ford when she was 14. Or what Brett and Mark Judge and some guy named PJ did or did not do during that summer.

Not at all, the dims have been violent since the election and hillary wasn't crowned

Well, he's a mate of the Donald, what more could you expect, if you can't mount a defence, mount an attack… I believe the woman, if he had simply come up and said *when I was a young man, I did some stupid things I apologise profusely etc., etc., it would have stopped, but, no, he went on attack instantly deny everything attack the complainant, straight out of the Trump playbook, now it's muddy the waters as well, again Trumping, next he'll be blaming China…

Don't throw **** at people when your own house is in disarray.