No that it looks like Kavanagh has the votes to win will Ford file charges with the Maryland police?

Last week they said they would investigate it if she files a complaint.

The Democrats need another dirty trick…

Define it. If you want an intelligent answer!

It wasn't a dirty trick
but I would mind it if they used one to stop that alcoholic sleezeball who's too emotional to be a judge.

Democrats should just forget the whole Ford thing and focus on his bias and instability LoL.

The statute of limitations has expired, nothing can be done. The only evidence that exists is her word.

She has no evidence. What would they do besides not file charges?

They might. But no one is going to care… Including the MD police. What are they going to investigate? Everyone she says was there says they weren't. There's no time or place to start with either.

The prosecutor who interviewed her said there wasn't enough to apply for warrants, much less prosecute anything.

A thorough investigation needs to be done, even if by the Maryland police. The FBI "investigation" was a Trump-perpetrated sham wherein no one on the lists of witnesses who could have corroborated Kavanaugh's behaviors were even interviewed. There's no statute of limitations for sexual assaults in Maryland.

She better not. Even the left has screeched that "This is not a trial!" in an attempt to legitimize the lack of evidence to support Ford's claims. Technically, they were right. If this ever entered the * real * legal environment, she'd be toast right out of the gate.

File away, It would have been more believable to do that in the first place than a sneaky hush letter to a slimy senator