Why did Trump say of Dr. Ford: I thought her testimony was very compelling, looks like a very fine woman and was a very credible witness?

I thought her testimony was very compelling, and she looks like a very fine woman to me. A very fine woman.
It was incredible. It was an incredible moment, I think, in the history of our country. But certainly she was a very credible witness. She was very good in many respects.


He never said that. Fake News.

Because he said what he thought? What other answer is there? A reasonable analysis of Ford's testimony is that she is a credible witness. Also reasonable is that she has absolutely nothing to back up her testimony. She can provide no specific details, no witnesses and no evidence. Her testimony is relying on (at best) a hazy memory of events from 35+ years ago. Credible testimony, yes. Verifiable, absolutely not.

When Trump makes sense and says something rational and reasonable, it's because one of his speech writers has written it out for him and he's actually followed their advice. When he speaks and says whatever comes into what passes for his mind, he says what he actually thinks. Of course, it's very difficult for me and many people to understand the incongruity because we haven't got the mind of a self-admitted "very stable genius".

He said that to the press. Donald Trump trashed Mrs. Ford at his rally. When he speaks at rallies he's like a dog who puts his head under the couch and thinks no one can see him.

When closely coached by his staff, Trump is for short periods able to seem reasoned. He generally, however, soon reverts to his base nature.

Comrade Bone-spur enjoys contradicting himself.

Then he contradicts himself band mocks Dr. Ford. Typically Trump.

Coached secretly for seven weeks by DiFi's lawyers and promised several GoFundMe accounts, of course she lied. She smiled so much as she spoke, but then backed off after being asked by the judge to explain the accounts. She remembered she was to feign ignorance. Still, her dreamy eyes could not conceal the fact that she knew how rich she'd get, as she envisioned the amount of bling she could buy with funds netted from her performance in the kangaroo court. Then she faded into the limelight, saying she wanted no more to do with any of it. Because none of it ever was true, and she was running from possible perjury charges. A staunch Democrat helping herself is no new news. And for a good, Machiavelan cause, Professor Blasey Ford thought, "Why not?"