Looks like Christine Ford isn't interested in showing up to the hearing on Monday. Kavanaugh will be. Gee, I wonder why that may be?

Anyone who shows up and testifies will be doing so under oath. If Ford and Kavanaugh give two conflicting stories, then one of them has to be lying, and doing so under penalty of perjury.

Perhaps the one who does not WANT to show up and testify under oath is the one who would be lying.

Wouldn't make much sense for it to happen the other way around, now would it?

Kavanaugh has already shown that he is comfortable lying under oath.

I will wait for the official announcement. Id ask for an investigation into the criminal acts Kavanaugh pulled on her. Why the rush? Is Thursdays vote still on?

Funny, I can't seem to locate this news development anywhere. Not even Fox.

It's true. Through her lawyer, Ford declined to testify in an open setting!

The way her story was coming apart in the past 24 hours, it was doubtful she would. The big question is: what charges should be filed against her?

It may be because 200 women have now signed the letter saying they knew Kavanaugh at the time and don't believe the claims and would probably be willing to show up at the hearing to testify.

You are right

Trump paid people to go against her

The person lying is the woman. She has no evidence, no witness'. She has a claim, made from a vague recollection some 12 years ago of something she claims happened over 30 years ago. This is a political trick by the Dems as a last ditch effort to stop Trumps pick for the supreme court to be appointed.

It ha nothing to do with lying under oath, it has to do with stalling, delaying, running this thing out as long as they can to hopefully get on the other side of the election, that is what this entire thing has been about. No more, no less. It was all planned out, that is why the lie detector was done a while back, that is why it was presented in the 13th hour, all part of the delay plan, just as the paperwork request were, so outrages, more then 2, maybe 3 times as much as requested for any other.

She's a liar