Kavanaugh has a legal background AND is being prepared by top notch lawyers for Monday's interview. Ford has no chance against?

Them even if she tells the truth. Is she right to insist on an FBI investigation to support her claims? The SC can do with only 8 justices for a while.

What would the FBI investigate. The only witness acknowledging the alleged crime has can't even give basic details and her story is not consistent.

What she alleges happened isn't even a federal crime and there's no evidence and she doesn't even know what year it happened.

You sure are gullible.

You keep believing that.

Absolutely right, she has no chance, and if she really wanted a chance than she should not have waited so long to make these accusations.

But we all know this is not about sexual harassment, it's all about delaying the Kavanaugh confirmation, until after the mid terms, when the democrats feel they will control the Senate.

She's going be a no-show. Collins basically confirmed her support for Kavanaugh, and now that George W. Bush and his wife issued a statement in support of Kavanaugh today, all other Cons will be supportive as well.

There should be no rush to get Kavanaugh on the Court. We've seen from the unfortunate example of the disgraceful Republican treatment of Merrick Garland that the Court can operate with 8 justices.

This matter should be investigated.

It's a lost cause. The GOP is not interested in what Kavanaugh may have done. They want to rush this through, no matter what. But it will come back to haunt them. This issue will always be a stain on Kavanaugh's career.

You don't think the DNC is proving her with very expensive attorneys?

I wonder what kind of dirt would be found on Ford if she was subjected to an FBI investigation. Maybe that's the investigation Trump should order.