If Ford really thought she was assaulted then why hasn't she contacted the Maryland police, they said last week they would investigate?

If she did.

Wouldn't that have but a crimp in Kavanaugh's confirmation to be the subject of a criminal investigation for sexual assault?

Why hasn't she reported it to the police?

Because filing a False police Report is Illegal./ But making innuendo isn't.

There's the matter of filing a false police report.

It makes me wonder if there are other women who did file charges that were dropped for whatever reason, like lack of evidence or a payoff.

Because the blatant filing of false charges is a criminal offense. Ford might just get away with her vague accusations in a Senate hearing but the PD might not be so forgiving.

I have asked the same question many times, but the leftists here are FAR more concerned about a political circus act, then justice. Their pretense that they care about victims is nothing but a SHAM.

You care about victims so much that you don't care if the perp is walking free to molest others? Yeah right, you care.

The REAL answer to your question is that every democrat here knows that this in NO WAY rises to preponderance of the evidence, let alone innocent until proven guilty. Democrats can flap their cryholes as much as they want about how they feels in their feeling places that Kavanaugh must be guilty, but courts generally want to see EVIDENCE!

She is a liar and a fraud whose accusations would never hold up in a real court

Let's assume that she was assaulted. It would have been unusual, at the time, for someone to report that. Women would be afraid that the police response would be along the lines of "boys will be boys." Most young women just want to put those experiences behind them.
Years later, Ford had no interest in legal remedies, she just didn't think that Kavanaugh belonged on the Court.

Presumably, she still could and might. There may be challenges to pursuing a criminal charge from decades ago but she might decide to pursue it.

It can't be reported to the police because there are no specifics to report. The FBI declined to talk to her because she already gave hours and hours of testimony under oath and there are not enough specifics to make any kind of a case. "Recalled memories" are about as reliable as dreams.