Why did Ford first claim she was assaulted in her late teens.then change it to her early teams in the summer of 82?

Why did Ford first claim she was assaulted in her late teens. Then change it to her early teams in the summer of 82?

Apparently she realized that Kavanaugh was already off to college when she reached her late teens… Thus making it impossible for them to be at the same high school party…

15 is neither late or early teens.

Because she's full of ****. Never underestimate what the Democrats will be willing to do (anything) to get their way. They don't care who they destroy, hurt, affect, they will do it if it means they are able to carry out their agenda. She changed her story several times, and was a democrat puppet who got money and kickbacks for this show. There was so much lack of evidence that caused the senators to vote fairly, but according to the left, they are all, "evil hate driven men and women" who confirmed Kavanaugh.