Who is MOST to blame for the Kavanaugh fiasco?

A. Dianne Feinstein-for withholding information
B. Christine Blasey Ford-for waiting so long to come forward
C. Trump-For nominating Kavanaugh in the first place
D. Kavanaugh himself

I understand Fox is airing an interview of Kavanaught tonight at 7pm?

Question: Is Fox going to ask him,
"Do you agree with the Democrats and Dr. Ford that there should be an FBI investigation?"

or how about this one:

"Do you agree that there should be additional experts and alleged witnesses that should be allowed to testify at the hearing?"

Are they going to ask him that?

Oh right, Fox wants to go easy on him.

What I want to know is, if he's so innocent, why is he resisting a fair, complete, and transparent hearing?