Has Ford gone on the record yet with a sworn statement?
Now she does not want to show up this Thursday. It is starting to look like she does not want to be sworn in.
Look, I thought we needed to hear her story, and see if there's any evidence, and weigh it all. But, she is not telling the story. So far it is all hearsay.
Nope, nothing…
"It's starting to look like she doesn't want to be sworn in"? What evidence do you have to back that up? She is begging for an FBI investigation that the WH has denied. And she does know that lying to the FBI is a crime with huge consequences. Think Flynn.
Yeah, it seems like she just wanted to throw the accusation out there… And that's it
You know that it's not Thursday yet, right?
I don't believe she has.
Her letter is still REDACTED
Edited - name removed from formal letter
Additionally, someone told me yesterday that she finally narrowed down the dates to a few weeks at the end of the summer. But I can't find anything on that either.
Ford passed a polygraph. Kavanaugh has refused to submit to a polygraph. I believe the person who is sure enough of her recollections to not lie about them.
Let Brett lose the nomination, sue Ford for libel then hire Hillary to cross examine her.
Maybe she is afraid one of the cons threatening her life if she testifies will follow through.
Nope, and that is not the behaviour of someone telling the truth
- It's Tuesday. Has Christine Ford started her drive from California to DC yet for Thursday's hearing? She said she won't fly because Kavanaugh caused her so much trauma 36 years ago planes make her feel claustrophobic. Or is she going to be a no show like many expected all along?
- How many hours of coaching has Christine Ford had so far and how many hours of total coaching will she have gone through before Thursday? Coaching from the hardcore Democrat socialists like her lawyer Katz that wears socialist t shirts at anti Trump rallies and her rabid associates paid for by Soros?
- Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also? Admitted to not being proud of the number of partners she was with. You Democrats seem to be unaware of this or maybe you simply downplay it. This is all political in nature, and you either know that or you are simply stupid! Why do you have Kavanaugh pegged as guilty? Isn't it innocent until proven guilty?
- Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also? - 1 Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also?