Is Ford a liar since she says she can't remember the house that it happened at and can't remember when it happened?

Is Ford a liar since she says she can't remember the house that it happened at and can't remember when it happened?

All of the "traumatic" events in my life are pretty much burned into my memory…

Not necessarily a liar, but extremely foggy on the events that transpired (if they did, indeed, transpire). I'm not sure how we decide the future of someone else based on something so shaky.

It's possible someone else did it and she has simply imprinted a famous face on whatever random dude dry-humped her 35 years ago (again, if it happened at all).

Must have been "seared" into her memory like Kerry's memory of President Nixon sending him into Cambodia at Christmas 1968.

I guess that's why Ford took that extra step of sending it to a Dem representative first so she couldn't be charged for false testimony.

So far she hasn't said anything officially to lie about…


A Fake a fraud.