Chuck Schumer says Mitch McConnell owes Christine Ford an apology for calling her accusations a smear campaign. Why should he apologize?

For telling the truth?

It's not the truth skippy, it's his opinion. Show me irrefutable evidence that it's a smear campaign. If the ouster of Al Franken wasn't a smear campaign, then this wasn't either. Deal with it.

Mitch McConnell owes America an apology for preventing the confirmation of Merrick Garland to the SC.

What Trump did to Hillary Clinton and Obama is a smear campaign. She's just simply voicing her recollection of events that she believes disqualify him from obtaining the highest court in the land.

What the Democrats are doing is the text book definition of a smear campaign.

Schumer has a lot of nerve to call McConnell out for telling it like it is.

No. It's about time the GOP plays hardball.

Oh look, another man bashing the victim of a sexual assault. Why am I not surprised.

Mitch McConnell is a disgusting human being who has many, MANY things he needs to apologize for, not the least of which is this victim bashing.