Why do Dems not want Christine Ford to be heard Why did they suppress her letter for months?
Why do Dems not want Christine Ford to be heard Why did they suppress her letter for months?
Yes… Let's pretend Republicans actually care what Dr. Christine Ford has to say. They've been so great at listening to her so far!
You mean, other than the fact that she wanted to remain anonymous, as has been reported in every news cast since it was made public?
She requested that it not be acted upon until she was ready. That's a far cry from suppression.
It's interesting that they don't want a hearing. I think they're afraid for her to testify.
Ford's letter was confidential.
There's not a lot anyone can do with an anonymous accusation from someone who says she wants to REMAIN anonymous.
Or didn't that occur to you?
And they suppressed her letter by releasing it. And they further suppressed her testimony by insisting she testify.
Ya know, that 1.5 pounds I lost about 20 minutes after I got up this morning is smarter (and more patriotic) than you.
Because these are empty allegations. There's no proof of anything.
She was trying to not be exposed. She probably is not proud of it.
They were hoping he would be destroyed during the hearing. When the 31 hours of questioning, and 1,200 written questions which were submitted to him were answered, they didn't have anything left but to try this.
He has passed six FBI background checks in his career. If there were anything to any of this someone somewhere sometime would have brought it up.
If Senator Feinstein truly thought he was a sexual predator, she would have brought it up during the 31 hours of questioning and given him a chance at that time to respond.
- Why did Dianne Feinstein wait for September to refer the Christine Blasey Ford letter to the FBI and not in July? Why didn't she bring this up to Brett Kavanaugh when she personally interviewed him? Why wasn't it part of the record 1,137 questions given to him answer? Why wasn't it brought up in the initial hearings? The letter was given to only 2 people who she asked to keep her anonymous but it was leaked anyways. So who was it that was disrespectful to her wishes?
- Dems don't care -Only the dems had Ford's letter, which one leaked it? To the press which in a sense destroyed the lives of Ford and her family? The dems knew exactly what they were doing. The knew exactly the damage they would cause. They leaked it anyway. They don't care.