Dems don't care -Only the dems had Ford's letter, which one leaked it?

To the press which in a sense destroyed the lives of Ford and her family?

The dems knew exactly what they were doing. The knew exactly the damage they would cause. They leaked it anyway. They don't care.

Ford requested it not be made public. Putin had the letter so you do the math

The FBI said that the leak was not Feinstein. Another lie by Donald Trump exposed. And you repeated it like a good little useful idiot.

Both Ford and Feinstein need to be arrested, and the media agencies that reported the leaked material need to be shut down.

I don't care and I'm a registered Independent.

After watching the hearing I believe it was one of Feinstein's staff members. She looked clueless when asked if she leaked the letter and turned to an aide to ask if her staff had been questioned.

Wrong again

Now it's just a matter of Feinstein throwing a subordinate under the bus to tidy it all up and make it go away.
How people are stupid enough to work for a liberal politician is beyond me.

It is my understanding that the letter was not realeased until after Ford met with the Washington Post.

It is theorized that someone within Ford's family or friends leaked it to the press. She also left a message on the WAPO anonymous tip line. She decided to own it when the reporters where showing up at her house and at her work.

You lie. Trump has ya trained poorly too… You cons have been shooting blanks at the moon all your life. We care. That's why America still stands. If it were not for us yall would not eat.

And why to people vote for Demarcates.