Are you still innocent until proven guilty?
Wth is with democrats? They want Kavanaugh to testify to "accusations" before Dr. Ford testifies?
Do Democrats understand how our justice system works? Do they understand what "evidence" is? You can't just say someone did something to you from decades ago and then can't remember when or where or produce a credible witness. What a JOKE!
Certainly the Republicans would never invade a nation while insisting they'll find evidence of weapons of mass destruction while having no hardcore proof…
Yes, so stop screaming, "LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!"
It makes you sound Really STUPID.
Keep it up with the thumb-downs, c0ntards. Practice makes perfect, even when it comes to hypocrisy.
@retard comment: Not too bright, are you?
Currently l'm still innocent until proven guilty, until I become a threat to the congressional democrats than I become guilty even if innocent.
Yup, democrats are not the final arbiters of how the justice system works. Get ready for a new round of "scream helplessly at the sky".
She should have filed charges at the time being, if it's true I feel sorry for her, but why now?
LOL. This is why we never have criminal trials in the US. At every trial, the defense attorney stands up and says 'Nobody has testified against my client yet. The charges have not been proven. So we shouldn't have this trial!' And the judge dismisses the case. 8^)
Yeah, Kavanaugh is innocent until proven guilty--like Bill and HIllary Clinton, like Obama. Sure. But that doesn't mean we don't investigate charges. The prosecution has the burden of proof, but that doesn't mean we don't DO prosecution!
If you are not a democrat, then you have very little rights in this country.
Lol a few things:
(1) he's not on trial
(2) wanting him to testify is not the same as prematurely calling him guilty - do YOU know how this works?
(3) "LOCK HER UP!" lol
Demon-rats in the Senate are working hard to Destroy the American Judicial Branch of Government and deny the Right to be confronted by an accuser. In adition the acused is, according to the Sexist Women Lib "me-too" movement, Guilty until they can prove themselves innocent beyond any doubt held by the irrational.
If Hate-Filled fools demand they know someone that told them a negative story then the person accused with Zero Proof Must be GUILTY!
They are positively desperate to stop Kavanaugh, and the dimshits on the left have always justified any means to achieve their ends.
- While I do believe Christie Ford has been through a traumatic event, what do we seriously do with accusations that can't be proven true or? False? It is very hard to believe that Kavanaugh was the assaulter, but I would never try to tell Ford that she is lying that something awful did happen to her Of course the police would believe me that my wallet was stollen at gunpoint but If I told them my next door neighbor Bob did it, they would investigate and look for evidence and were not able to find any, their hands are tied
- What makes you think kavanaugh is guilty with no real proof? I mean everyone Ford claimed was with her denies any such event. Why would you ever believe her? Just because she's a women claiming to be victimized doesn't make her right… Or am I wrong?
- What actually happened to innocent until proven guilty? Kavanaugh is clearly the victim of a smear campaign. There's no evidence to support fords fairytale in fact all the witnesses completely deny it ever happened. Does it not scare you that there's so many Americans willing to belie her simply on the words of the democrats. Is their grip really that tight on you?
- Regarding Brett Kavanaugh, whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? People have been verbally slaughtering him and he hasn't been found guilty of anything. And no, the republicans haven't been stifling anything. Dianne Feinstein did stifle, though, when she sat on this letter from Christine Blasey Ford for 6 weeks. You'd think that she'd think that letter would be important to the FBI in vetting Kavanaugh. But nope! She drops this at the 11th hour.