Ford doesn't remember when/where the event occurred. The witnesses she named don't know what she's talking about. Why should we believe her?

Ford doesn't remember when/where the event occurred. The witnesses she named don't know what she's talking about. Why should we believe her?

Added (1). The same goes for the 2nd accuser. She isn't sure who was involved. The six witnesses she named don't know what she's talking about. Her friend doesn't know what she's talking. Two accusers, no evidence.

I believe Kavanaugh

Christine Fords friends call her a liar?

The Senate Judiciary Committee has reportedly begun reaching out to friends of Christine Blasey-Ford who may have information on the alleged sexual assault she says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh committed against her years ago. One of Ford's longtime friends, Leland Ingham Keyser, responded to the committee's inquiries earlier this week and said she does not remember the 1982 party where Ford alleged that Kavanaugh forced himself on her, CNN reports. "Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," her lawyer, Howard Walsh, said in a statement.

What do you think about the Brett Kavanaugh situation?

I believe in "innocent until proven guilty." I believe a lot of holes have been poked in Dr. Ford's story. Republicans know the FBI won't waste time on decades-old claims. Dianne Feinstein should've turned that letter over to the fbi when she got it.

CONS: isn't it curious that Ford recovered her memory about Kavanaugh when his name first came up for the SC back in 2012?

Kavanaugh's accuser recovered her memory at the time Dems were panicked Romney would win and nominate him to SCOTUS

Has anyone seen the letter Ford sent to Feinstein? I'm curious on the date of it if '2012' is crossed out and '2018' is recently penciled in.