They say time heals all wounds. So what's Christine Blasey Ford's problem?

They say time heals all wounds. So what's Christine Blasey Ford's problem?

She heard opportunity knocking.

Left-wing insanity.

Dollar $igns are rolling in her eyes… A dem payoff, probable book deal, guest speaker circuit, TV appearances.Oh she knows what she is doing and it is a very deceptive plot to gain the dems a powerful position while lining her nest.

Her biggest problem is that she never imagined that she would be asked to testify. She was under the impression that anything she said would be instantly believed without question. Now that she has to act under penalty of perjury, she's desperately trying to find a way out.

She's going to cash in on this scandal

She got 'Outed' and now has no idea what to do.

She's been paid big money by Democrats to destroy this man. Democrats. Party of Hate and Destroy

1. Obviously "they" are wrong.

2. She does not have a problem.

It hasn't been enough time--maybe in another 30 or 40 years she will be OK