Ford says she'll move to New Zealand if Kavanaugh is confirmed. Considering liberal flakiness in this regard, should Trump help her pack?
Ford says she'll move to New Zealand if Kavanaugh is confirmed. Considering liberal flakiness in this regard, should Trump help her pack?
The man has been busted to death. Any further movement of him going forward
is simply plowing with brute force.
Yeah and liberals promised to move if Trump was elected and they're still here. Maybe we can start a GoFundMe page to buy her ticket.
I wonder if she knows just how problematic moving to New Zealand is, despite her obvious qualifications it is still quite a hard place to immigrate to if you don't already have a job lined up.
First what would the US President have the time to assist someone in packing?
Second, she nay not move, rather she may want to argue about this, in one way or another. It will be her choice.
But, if that is exactly what she said, I do find it interesting she is focused on the Kavanaugh Confirmation as a deciding factor, and not getting, whatever justice for whatever she felt happened to her 35 years ago.
The more she opens her mouth, the more she shows us just how damaged she really is. Something happened to her as a child, have no idea if Kavanaugh was part of that damage or not. What she claims he did though, isn't even close to something that would have this life long impact. I wish her well in her recovery and hope she is getting the necessary help.
Now she is a flight risk. No bail.
Leftists hatred for conservative blocks all their logic
Just another of her lies.
It would be the first time Trump has ever helped anyone
- Prof Ford told senators-recalls being pushed into bedroom on upper level.Should that be enough recall, considering FBI hasn't interviewed her? Prof Ford told senators-recalls being pushed into bedroom on upper level. Should that be enough recall, considering FBI hasn't interviewed her?
- Left liberal grandstanding liberal politicians said they believe her based on nothing but her mere words, I wonder? If they'll give the same courtesy telling the public they believe Ford's declared witnesses? Who all said they don't even know Ford.
- Christine Blasey Ford says. She has no idea where, when ( not even a year ) but says her witnesses will back her up, now those 4 say? Sorry, Don't know here, never met her. Since grandstanding liberal politicians couldn't wait to get in front of the mic and say she's telling the truth and they believe her, will they now do the same to the witnesses she named who say "nope, never met her"?