When Christine Ford doesn't testify on Thursday, isn't that simply more proof that she is telling the truth?
When Christine Ford doesn't testify on Thursday, isn't that simply more proof that she is telling the truth?
Added (1). Not testifying is a brave decision.
Are you from the future?
It would prove she isn't willing to stand by her allegations.
Who says she won't? She has not come forward and exposed herself to Trumptard death threats not to- she is a strong woman, she will testify. I suspect there will be thousands of men and women outside supporting her.
No. Learn some definitions. Evidence is not proof.
A lack of evidence is not evidence.
Go back to school. You can learn this stuff. It isn't rocket science.
She can't say when or where, her story is disputed by the people she claimed would back her up, and she wants to do a drive by attack on an innocent man. She's a lying POS and a far left tool.
I'd be very surprised if she doesn't show and the Democrats come up with another stalling tactic.
My money says she won't show in order to avoid perjuring herself, or at best making a fool of herself.
It would be the other way around people scared to tell the truth are worse than liars.
If she doesn't testify Thursday, it won't be her fault. It will be because the hearing was canceled or postponed.
- When Feinstein can't say everything Ford said was truthful proof truth and the welfare of this country doesn't matter to her? An honorable person would have started this process in July and would have spent time proving the content… Not seeing if it could delay the process when everything else failed miserably.
- If Blasey-Ford is telling the truth, she could instantly annihilate Kavanaugh with one, short BRAIN-SCAN LIE DETECTOR session. Of course, if? She's lying, she'd be the laughingstock of the century. And these MRI's are very, very accurate. Why won't she just demand they BOTH take one? I mean, since she isn't lying. .
- How many hours of coaching has Christine Ford had so far and how many hours of total coaching will she have gone through before Thursday? Coaching from the hardcore Democrat socialists like her lawyer Katz that wears socialist t shirts at anti Trump rallies and her rabid associates paid for by Soros?