Christine Fords friends call her a liar?

The Senate Judiciary Committee has reportedly begun reaching out to friends of Christine Blasey-Ford who may have information on the alleged sexual assault she says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh committed against her years ago. One of Ford's longtime friends, Leland Ingham Keyser, responded to the committee's inquiries earlier this week and said she does not remember the 1982 party where Ford alleged that Kavanaugh forced himself on her, CNN reports. "Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," her lawyer, Howard Walsh, said in a statement.

Friends who won't lie for you under oath aren't really your friends.

First - Is that a question, or a statement you are making that includes the default question mark at the end. This is a place for questions.

Second No her friends did not call her a liar, they said they can't recall. There's a difference between saying something did not happen, and I can't recall if something happened.

36 years ago, this is an outrage this is going on.

I think her friends know she is lying, which is why they are taking the safe way out and saying the don't recall the party in question.It saves the friendship and prevents them having to lie in court.

Her friends can't corroborate her "story".

Mommy! He called me a liar!

What a strong argument you present.

Kavanaugh said he does not Ford either. She may have been somewhere where he was, but he does not know of it.

Democrats are ubstructing America
