My car won't start until I've waited a few minutes?

I have a Ford Taurus SES and this morning I tried to start it and couldn't. I tried 3 times but it wouldn't work, the engine turned but wouldn't start. After waiting 2-3 minutes it started like normal. My battery is pretty new and is reading steadily at 13.8 volts. I don't see any problems with the connections either, no corrosion, everything looks like it's in good shape. Any thoughts?

Rack and pinion makes a popping noise when hitting the brakes or taking off?

Rack and pinion makes a popping noise when hitting the brakes or taking off?

Added (1). The dealer is the one that said it was the rack and pinion. It was in a wreck and the inner tie rod was snapped. The car steers fine.

Added (2). The dealer is the one that said it was the rack and pinion. It was in a wreck and the inner tie rod was snapped. The car steers fine. Is the dealer right? I think he is wrong and it was damaged during the wreck.

Added (3). oh and the vehicle is a 2008 ford Taurus with 100k of mostly interstate miles.

Is a 2005 Ford Taurus a good first car?

My mom got it at a decent price and it looks okay. It runs good and everything. Is this a good first car for me? I just turned 16 and am going to get my license soon, I just need to get more hours of driving in.

Need Battery For Ford Taurus SE 2007?

Battery died and want to know what others prefer for quality/price above all others.

How long does your battery last on average where you live?

Thanks and thumbs up to all who answer… Just give me time to get back and read the answers.