Should Christine Blasey Ford be charged with perjury?

She testified that she had never helped someone prepare for a polygraph but her ex boyfriend said he saw her coach her friend Monica McLean when she applied to the FBI.
McLean you may recall was the woman pressuring Leland Keyser to change her testimony.
Did you think it was odd that the prosecuter specifically asked Ford if she had ever coached someone to pass the polygraph?

Who is Ford family hiding from?

In the past few days I have seen several news reports saying that Ford family is now having to hid from Kavanaugh supporters.
That does not make any sense to me. His supporters are conservatives, and conservative don't go looking for revenge.
That is one of the key differences between liberals and conservatives.
Liberals use violence to try and force others to accept what they want. Conservatives use logic and reason to show why their way is better.

Do we need to investigate Christine Blasey Ford, Monica McLean, and Diane Feistein for attempted witness tampering?

McLean, a retired FBI agent, has been accused of pressuring Ford's friend Leland Keyser into changing her initial statement. Text messages between the two are contained in the 7th FBI report. Monica McLean was also coached on how to beat the poligraph by Blasey-Ford according to the testimony of her ex boyfriend. Text messages between the two are contained in the 7th FBI report.

Added (1). While we're at it we could investigate who paid for Ford's lawyers, associates of George Soros and wether the GoFundMe campaign amounts to a bribe to Blasey-Ford.

Was there a conspiracy to tamper with witnesses by Feinstein, and Ford?

Leland Keyser, a friend of Christine Blasey Ford told FBI investigators that she felt pressured by Dr. Ford's allies to change her initial statement that she knew nothing about an alleged sexual assault by a teenage Brett Kavanaugh,
Now, the Wall Street Journal reports sources say Keyser told the FBI that Monica McLean, a former FBI agent and a longtime friend of Ford's, pressured her to "clarify" her statement after Republicans seized on it as a pivotal gap in Ford's story.

After several days of back-and-forth between Republicans and Democrats, Keyser, through her lawyers, amended her initial statement to say, "Ms. Keyser does not refute Dr. Ford's account, and she has already told the press that she believes Dr. Ford's account. However, the simple and unchangeable truth is that she is unable to corroborate it because she has no recollection of the incident in question."
The WSJ also claims the FBI report on their investigation, which was sent to the White House and Senate Thursday but hasn't been released to the public, also contained texts between McLean and Keyser.

Can't you imagine how Christine Ford must feel tonight?

Made even worse that millions of vile, disgusting bottom feeders are celebrating her ordeal and and calling her bravery in coming forward for the nation a failed conspiracy by the Clintons and other such nonsense? She did what she thought was right. Her and Anita Hill stood tall in the face of oppression. People want to believe it's a conspiracy because they could never fathom the sacrifice those women made.

Everything they do is conniving. It only stands to reason that they would look at a women in tears, and only see their own illusory persecution.

How can an ant understand the ocean? How can a Trump supporter understand humanity?

Why did dr.fords case go straight to a live public congress hearing?

Local police investigation where the alleged incident took place? Nah lets skip that

fbi investigation to establish what really happened? Nah lets skip that

lets go straight to a live public congress hearing just to decide to get the fbi to investigate the accussed ( for a 7th time in his career)

anyone would think this whole episode was politically motivated to harm republicans in the mid terms and nobody really cared to learn the truth of it