Now that insane dems are finished exploiting Ford, Ramirez and Swetnick, will they be tossed into the liberal trash bin of used up props?
Do you actually believe a single liberal EVER really gave a fiddlers fug about those three women?
They did all that they could with the infused toxic cash…
Yes because we're not Cons
I'm sure those women will be ok, between go fund me, personal apperances fees and book deals, they surely made a few bucks for their time.
Here's the problem with people like you: you're not smart enough to realize we're all on the same bus. So when you root for the country to fail because it causes liberal tears, YOUR country will be failing as well.
- Left liberal grandstanding liberal politicians said they believe her based on nothing but her mere words, I wonder? If they'll give the same courtesy telling the public they believe Ford's declared witnesses? Who all said they don't even know Ford.
- Is anyone watching Christine Ford's testimony? Is she insane? She thinks she can make claims to destroy a mans life and has the right to remain anonymous so he can't defend himself
- I simply can't see these political posers - Blasey-Ford and now Ramirez - as assault victims the way I do actual assault victims. How? Can anyone not see this for what it is? A desperate political party with no scruples staging an all-out, childish smear campaign. The impact of crying wolf will backfire on them this Friday and in November. But FAR WORSE is the impact it will have on the actual victims of sexual assault. Are they happy?
- Ford and Swetnick (both Cavanaugh accusers) both used the same law firm and knew each other beforehand.Does ANYONE think its a coincidince? Ford and Swetnick (both Cavanaugh accusers) both used the same law firm and knew each other beforehand. Does ANYONE think its a coincidince? Swetnick has a L O N G history of falsely accusing people, easily documented.