Kavanaugh - When Ford gave her letter to Sen Feinstein what did she expect Feinstein to do with it?
Just keep it a secret to their graves?
Just keep it a secret to their graves?
Am I the only liberal in America that thinks Christine Blasey Ford was lying and being paid to sabotage Kavanaugh?
Deliberately, or because of a mental disorder. Either way, it's lying.
When does alleged assault victim, alleged doctor Blasey Ford start on The View?
Like she has feared for over 35 years couldn't he just block the other front door?
Will Christine Ford get to keep the 700K libs gave her on go fund me, or are her liberal lawyers going to eat most up it up for themselves?
Who else thinks that we might even have to consider the gurney for Christine Ford if it's proved she lied about Justice Kavanaugh?
Do you think Dr. Ford would have been able to stop Kavanaugh if she had gone public earlier?
Added (1). like, when he was on the short list, before his nomination.
Should Ford be put on trial for all the lies she told or laughed at because all the witnesses she named said what she said wasn't true?
How low these Dems will stoop to for power?
Everyone saw how desperate Dems were to block the confirmation.
They called him evil just after the nomination. Held the Ford's letter for weeks before leaking it to public, Then more baseless sexual assault allegations from more women who were even less credible than Ford,
Then they brought up beer problem, then judicial temperament and finally allowing far left protestors to disturb the confirmation process by screaming in the Senate.
If they were really smart, they would leave this issue and move on to more productive stuff