Can't you imagine how Christine Ford must feel tonight?

Made even worse that millions of vile, disgusting bottom feeders are celebrating her ordeal and and calling her bravery in coming forward for the nation a failed conspiracy by the Clintons and other such nonsense? She did what she thought was right. Her and Anita Hill stood tall in the face of oppression. People want to believe it's a conspiracy because they could never fathom the sacrifice those women made.

Everything they do is conniving. It only stands to reason that they would look at a women in tears, and only see their own illusory persecution.

How can an ant understand the ocean? How can a Trump supporter understand humanity?

I hope Dana Carvey's agent has contacted him. Why not make a few bucks after failing a liberalism attempt at failing America?

And you're speaking as someone who knows her personally?

You can't possibly know what she's thinking or whether she even believes what she said.

She's busy counting the millions she was paid along with scheduling talk show appearances and negotiating her " book deal ".

She could face perjury charges, so could her lawyer.

She is probably crying about no one believing her lies.

Democrats still believe politics is about compromise and finding a middle ground. Republicans understand politics is about power. Unless Democrats start fighting fire with fire they will become obsolete.

As liberals we must start electing people who do NOT want compromise. We must elect leaders who are willing to insult and belittle conservatives during their campaign speeches; leaders who are willing to use dirty procedural tricks to lock conservatives out of power; leaders who have no problem being blatantly hypocritical as long as it serves the needs of the left.

Hatred is now our ally. Spread the word.

She opened Pandoras Box, so my pity for her has limits.

She's a liar that is probably disappointed her lie didn't work to get her what she wanted. Of course, she is probably enjoying her $700,000 she got from idiots at gofundme.

I'd be pissed at the Democrats for using me as a tool.