Why isn't anyone talking about this?

Senators are on the floor of the Senate talking about how Christine Ford was wrongly and poorly treated regarding her allegations of sexual abuse and how the FBI should have investigated and interviewed more witnesses.

They fail to mention how they have a slush fund available to them to pay for non-disclosure of sexual indiscretions whenever any of them are accused of such activities. Nothing but hypocrites.

Replaced spark plugs. Car doesn't have a spark now?

I recently replaced the spark plugs in my 1968 Ford Galaxie 500. Before I did this, the car started right up. After I replaced them, I could not get the car to start. It wants to start, but I do not get a spark. After taking them out and replacing them, I got the car to start ONCE. Then again it won't start and I don't have a spark.
I disconnected the battery. I replaced each spark plug one at a time, I know each is in order.
It seems to me maybe I have a bad connection somewhere? Where should I look?

Did you believe dr ford when she said she was doing this out of civic duty?

I believe her about the claim of sexual assault but i do not believe she is doing this out of a sense of civic duty or that to her, it wasn't politically motivated.

not that i blame her really, could you imagine if she had done this during the clinton presidency era? It would have been laughed at and dismissed out of hand