Do we need to investigate Christine Blasey Ford, Monica McLean, and Diane Feistein for attempted witness tampering?
McLean, a retired FBI agent, has been accused of pressuring Ford's friend Leland Keyser into changing her initial statement. Text messages between the two are contained in the 7th FBI report. Monica McLean was also coached on how to beat the poligraph by Blasey-Ford according to the testimony of her ex boyfriend. Text messages between the two are contained in the 7th FBI report.
Added (1). While we're at it we could investigate who paid for Ford's lawyers, associates of George Soros and wether the GoFundMe campaign amounts to a bribe to Blasey-Ford.
the sooner the better.
If the democrats were intellectually honest and morally consistent, they would be demanding it.
There was just an FBI investigation of her and kavanaugh, but trump limited it. The FBI did not even interview either one of them. It made it look like trump was trying to hide something.
Oh yes, let's a have a full investigation, this time without political interference. Something tells me that Republicans would be against this.
Kavanaugh was texting witnesses to convince them to back his story. THAT's witness tampering.
We need to investigate Kavanaugh for attempting to witness tamper with friends of Deborah Rameriz. He texted them about her days before her story came out in the NYP, even though he testified that he had not heard about her accusation until that article came out. He was obviously trying in advance to control the messaging of this story.
So there are 2 charges Kavanaugh would be investigated for, if Trump would allow them to do it. One for perjury, and another for attempted witness tampering. But I guess we do not have equal protection under the law anymore. Only Republicans can break the law without being investigated these days.
The texts between [Kerry] Berchem and Karen Yarasavage, both friends of Kavanaugh, suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez's story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public. In one message, Yarasavage said Kavanaugh asked her to go on the record in his defense. Two other messages show communication between Kavanaugh's team and former classmates in advance of the story.
There are plenty of things to investigate, from this event and earlier ones, but I've given up thinking Sessions or the FBI or anyone else will ever investigate people on the left.
@ Lolly - reported… You are the least suitable person on this site to call someone dumb… You've never contributed anything of depth here, and you never will.
The entire Feinstein-Soros conspiracy needs to be investigated publicly.
Sure. Let's have a 4 day investigation where we don't interview anyone relevant. Then take the 1000 page report, lock it in a vault, and tell everyone they have an hour to read the one copy.
No because your claim is a lie and it was not a trial.
- Why does the FBI have to investigate the Christine Blasey Ford claims? With the claim made by Christine Blasey Ford, why does the FBI have to investigate this and not the police? Is it because Kavanagh is a nominee for the supreme court? If he was just a 'no one' and she was a 'no one' wouldn't she go to the police?
- Libs keep saying the FBI needs to investigate Kavanaugh but what is there to investigate? Ford has already named witnesses and none of them know what she is talking about. What other "evidence" could there possibly be 36 years later for an incident where no sex or injuries or property damage occurred?