Should Christine Blasey Ford be charged with perjury?

She testified that she had never helped someone prepare for a polygraph but her ex boyfriend said he saw her coach her friend Monica McLean when she applied to the FBI.
McLean you may recall was the woman pressuring Leland Keyser to change her testimony.
Did you think it was odd that the prosecuter specifically asked Ford if she had ever coached someone to pass the polygraph?

Yeah. She should fry in electric chair for slander

Yes, all of us Dems would love to see that charge put forward, and the full and complete investigation that would be required to prove that. The only reason we will never see this charge against her, is because the cons know that the investigation would bring out more incriminating information about them than about her.

Thats why the Trump team mandated a limited investigation in the first place.

No she didn't. That's fake news.

Most certainly not, and it's that kind of thinking that has caused this mess in the first place. Tarana Burke defined this very well. She said, "When we say 'believe survivors' it's not believe them without investigation, believe them without interrogation. We have set a precedent in this country of thinking that women in particular are lying when they come forward with these allegations. So the mantra 'believe survivors' is about can we start with the premise that people do not often lie about the pain and the trauma of sexual violence. If we start with the premise that we believe it is true then you can have an investigation, you can have an interrogation of the facts. This is not to say believe people blanket and don't investigate and don't do anything else besides believe them."

It just doesn't make sense to automatically show more support for those who abuse their power than those who are being abused. That's what we're saying. As a society we have a gender bias. To illustrate this point just look at how you feel inside and how society reacts when a man says as a boy he was abused by his priest, and compare that to how you feel inside and how society reacts when a woman comes forth to tell of her abuse.

It's over, little snowflake.

You're still triggered by that woman? Why?

Yes! Exactly!

Yes, the true victims out there would appreciate it.

No, she told the truth to the best of her knowledge. Kavanaugh should be, however.

Perhaps Democrats promising a further investigation of Kavanaugh and an attempt at impeaching him might want to consider Blasey-Ford's obvious perjury.

Ford fell right into Rachel Mitchell's perjury trap. I bet Mitchell had the ex boyfriends letter before she ever stepped into court

i think she and her lawyer should both be investigated for perjury.