Why hasn't Christine Blaise Ford been charged with perjury? - 1

She obviously lied under oath.

She should be charged with treason too.

Did not.

You KNOW that how? She gave compelling testimony but did not have the evidence she needed since it happened so long ago. Very few people have accused her of lying under oath. Even some of the @sshole republicans said she didn't seem to be lying. Instead, they said she was "confused".
When is kavanaugh gonna be charged with perjury? There's plenty of evidence he committed that crime. Read the links I've attached unless you're too much of a wuss.

If she was charged there would be a trial and the testimony of all the witnesses would be heard. Then when she was acquitted Justice Kavanaugh would face impeachment for his perjury. Therefore she will not be charged.

A person can't be charged with perjury unless its proven that they lied. And just because you don't believe her doesn't mean she's lying. And also, it had to be proven that she intentionally lied and that it wasn't just bad memory. Not a lot of people get charged with perjury in the US even if they're guilty

Because obviousness isn't the standard for criminal charges in the US You need actual evidence to charge someone. You can't do it just because you say it's obvious.

Blaming the victim I see

She told one story. Kavanaugh told a different story. The Senate believed Kavanaugh.

That's not perjury.

The woman is rather weak and isn't very stable, so it would look real bad for Republicans if she were to end up in a mental institution while they were lowering the boom on her.

Liberals are blind… UNDER OATH Ford claims that the "trauma" made her afraid to fly and THAT was why she didn't come earlier to testify. Within TWO minutes you confirmed (with a smile) that she'd flies at least once per year to Delaware to visit family and also has traveled EXTENSIVELY FOR PLEASURE to Tahiti, Hawaii, Costa Rica - all of which are further than the flight she said she was afraid to take… That would be perjury, without all the other BS about I can't remember anything except that it was him.