Why hasn't Christine Blaise Ford been charged with perjury?

She obviously lied under oath.

They just wants this whole mess with her to fade into the background. Although I wouldn't be adverse to seeing Feinstein and her staff brought up on charges. That's what's wrong with Washington, NO DAMNED CONSEQUENCES!

Probably because nothing in her testimony has been proven false.
And what about Kavanaughs proven lies about his drinking history in his youth?
Something ex friends and classmates have said he lied about under oath.

Because then her feelings would get hurt and then we would have to watch her try and cry her way out of being held accountable for actions.

Liberal federal judges and deep state in congress.

Can't prove it. Just like Brett can't prove he didn't grab her crotch.

Lie and oath don't seem to mean much any more.

Women don't get charged for lying under oath. They don't get charged with laying false charges with police. When you are woman you get special treatment.