Either Kavanaugh or Ford lied. Who was it, and should they be charged with perjury?

Either Kavanaugh or Ford lied. Who was it, and should they be charged with perjury?

Is perjury really the worst thing?

They are both coocoo

Ford lied. She is a puppet of Democrats.

Not necessarily, Ford could merely be mistaken of who had done it to her, in this case neither lied and all of this was nothing more than a mistake.

I disagree with your premise. To lie is to willfully deceive. If a person believes what he is saying, he is not lying.

I don't think Ford is a liar, I just think she's nuts.

All the witnesses said it never happened.

Realistically we will NEVER know but there's enough doubt that brett should crawl back under his rock

Kavanaugh either lied or blacked out, Ford was very credible and was 100% sure it was him. Kavanaugh looks like he would be a nasty, crying drunk.

In the system of justice we have used up until now.
the burden of proof is on the one making the accusation and
the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

If today's testimony does not lead to a logical, fact based conclusion then you must consider Kavanaugh innocent.

That is unless you want to undue the presumption of innocence a two millinea of Western Culture

I believed both.
I believe the assault Really HAPPENED TO FORD and I believe that Kavanaugh was so drunk that he can't remember a lot of things he has done.