What are all the possible crimes that Christine Blasey Ford should be charged with?

What are all the possible crimes that Christine Blasey Ford should be charged with?

Conspiring to conspire

Yeah you're right. There are places that punish truth tellers. Russia does that. S.A. Takes them out back and dismembers them, so just make up your own.

Zero. Grow up.

Good luck

Perhaps you should build the concentration camps before you round up the dissenters.

Perjury. But it would make the people who charge her look bad, so she'll just have to settle on having her $1M GoFundMe proceeds taxed at 75%.

Perjury, conspiracy, and witness tampering

  • Should Christine Blasey Ford be charged with perjury? She testified that she had never helped someone prepare for a polygraph but her ex boyfriend said he saw her coach her friend Monica McLean when she applied to the FBI. McLean you may recall was the woman pressuring Leland Keyser to change her testimony. Did you think it was odd that the prosecuter specifically asked Ford if she had ever coached someone to pass the polygraph?