Since Mrs. Ford refuses to tell her story how is the FBI supposed to investigate her claims?

Since Mrs. Ford refuses to tell her story how is the FBI supposed to investigate her claims?

Added (1). COOKIE- no she hasn't told her story. For example she hasn't said when, or where this happened. How is the FBI supposed to investigate something if they don't know when, or where it happened?

Added (2). Marduk- i get death threats from libs every day it is no big deal.

Is this why the FBI won't investigate Ford's claim?

FBI: Where did the alleged event happen?
CBF: I'm not sure of the exact address.
FBI: When did the alleged event happen?
CBF: I don't remember the date.
FBI: Who was at the alleged party?
CBF: I only remember the names of three of the people. However they all deny the incident took place.
FBI: How did you get to the alleged party?
CBF: I'm not sure.
FBI: How did you get home?
CBF: I don't recall.
FBI: Did you tell anyone at the time of the alleged incident?
CBF: No.
FBI: Were you transported across state lines?
CBF: No.
FBI: I think we're done here.

Esteemed Phd in San Francisco ( Pelosi land )?

"Esteemed"… What the hell does that word mean when you look at the facts?
( Fact ) A Palo Alto ( south of Pelosi land - S.F. ) writes a letter to Feinstein months ago.
( Fact ) Doesn't want to be identified.
( Fact ) She ( a PHD ) which requires a perfect memory just to get that education.
( Fact ) Says she doesn't remember where her claim happened.
( Fact ) Doesn't remember when it happened.
( Fact ) But claims she remembers something happened
( Fact ) Oh yea, some 35 somewhat years ago.
( Fact ) Feinstein held this letter for months didn't make a peep in private or public hearings.
( Fact ) Now the judge is scheduled for a senate vote dems knowing he has the votes.
( Fact ) Now Feinstein brings it up?
( Fact ) The FBI has already looked at it and determined they're not going to investigate.
( Fact ) It has been confirmed that Christine Blasey Ford has been a long term democrat / socialist party donor.

Now, using common sense, How do these "esteemed" facts take you?