Since Mrs. Ford refuses to tell her story how is the FBI supposed to investigate her claims?

Since Mrs. Ford refuses to tell her story how is the FBI supposed to investigate her claims?

Added (1). COOKIE- no she hasn't told her story. For example she hasn't said when, or where this happened. How is the FBI supposed to investigate something if they don't know when, or where it happened?

Added (2). Marduk- i get death threats from libs every day it is no big deal.

She WANTS them to investigate which means she will cooperate. She has told her story or have you been snoozing?

She doesn't care. The entire point of her accusation is to delay the confirmation of Kavanaugh. The democratic party is hopeful of regaining control of the Senate in the midterm elections in which case they could permanently stall Kavanaugh's nomination. Personally, I don't care about Kavanaugh one way or the other. But this BS accusation from Ford is totally lame.

1) The FBI does not investigate non-Federal crimes; 2) There's nothing to investigate. Ford doesn't remember when or where the alleged incident occurred and so far no one but her has come forward to support her in any way.

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