Shouldn't the authorities investigate Dr. Ford's background and claims for possible perjury?

It is clear she lied about fear of flying preventing her from appearing sooner. She also lied about why there were two front doors on her house.

What else did she lie about?

I think you should carry out an investigation. You're a patriot, aren't you? Well, there you go.

There's a caravan of thousands of immigrants about to crash the US border and this is what you are worried about?

Wouldn't that interfere with the current lawsuit she has against Kavanaugh?

I don't think they should carry out an investigation by the simple fact that she lied MULTIPLE times during court. Even her "friends" say she lies. She hurt actual victims with her political stunt!

Absolutely, she should be charged with perjury for lying under oath.

If we don't make an example of her we will just get more of these liars destroying repputations.

The fine should be at least big enough to empty that gofundme account.
No one should profit from slander and lies.

No. That makes no sense. Should every losing plaintiff or defendant in a civil case be sued for losing. Should the losing side in a criminal trial be prosecuted for "perjury." A different version of events is not automatically classified as a lie.

I think that would be a waste of the authorities' time.

Honestly, Kavanaugh was confirmed, and I doubt that Dr. Ford is going to make any more moves against him. It won't serve anyone's interest to really go after her, as doing so will look bad to those who unconditionally support her and to much of America who isn't as informed about the details of the case or the reasons one may investigate her more closely. The best it'll do is get her for… Lying about minor things. Which, yes, is still something she can get in trouble for, but no one really cares about that stuff when you get down to it. It's not like her actual claims against Kavanaugh can likely be investigated, and I rather resources not be spent on a snipe hunt of sorts.

Now, if certain things come to light that do compromise Dr. Ford in a way that deserves investigation, then I'll support such a thing. However, at this point, this whole mess will just fade into obscurity and I'm sure both her and Kavanaugh will be better off moving on with their lives.

Yes. She was caught lying multiple times.