Shouldn't congress pass the eye for an eye Christine Ford law where Ford has to follow Sharia law if she can't provide 4 male witnesses?

Paying by 100 lashes for not knowing the date of the assault, not knowing any of the details of her claims, and not having ANY witnesses that unknown night because nothing happened.

This is why Islam has the 2 women = 1 man witness rule!

Biches will make anything up on the spot to get what they want. You can't trust anything they say.

Only blue pilled straight western men treat women as their equals. And I say straight because gay men are red pilled from birth and secret misogynists almost always. Just look at Newell.

An eye for an eye ultimately leaves everyone blind!

Its hilarious that in the run up to an election, that such an allegation should crop up… How peculiar, its almost as if the opponents have nothing to win fairly with.So are just smearing his name in the hope the sh*t sticks long enough to beat him… Not an honest tactic.

She may have set herself up to have her past investigated.