Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also?

Admitted to not being proud of the number of partners she was with.
You Democrats seem to be unaware of this or maybe you simply downplay it.
This is all political in nature, and you either know that or you are simply stupid!
Why do you have Kavanaugh pegged as guilty? Isn't it innocent until proven guilty?

Keep smearing! That'll get women to vote Dem in the midterms!

So you're saying Kavahaugh was right to take advantage as long as it was with the right type of girl? Am I getting that right? His lack of cooperation is proving he's guilty.

I think the goal here was not to block but simply to tarnish

What have those things to do with her credibility?

"She has admitted… "

Does not affect the truthfulness of anything she said.

"Why do you have Kavanaugh pegged as guilty? Isn't it innocent until proven guilty?"

It wasn't a trial.

Why can't you connies EVER understand that? Here, let's try again:

It wasn't a trial.

And golly gee, if he's so innocent and such, then why does Kavanaugh refuse to call for an FBI investigation? If he's so pure, then he has nothing to be afraid of. Right? That's what you connies used to say concerning investigations of Democrats. Isn't it the same for Republikkkans?

That can work both ways.

Why do you have Ford pegged as guilty? Not only is she more believable, Kavanaugh admitted to drinking too. Isn't Ford innocent of lying until proven she IS a liar? And I have not heard that she was promiscuous. Do you have proof of this? A quote from a link? A link?

Let he who is without sin cast the first rock

She took a polygraph test regarding her accusations against Kavanaugh and passed. Of course this is political - almost everything in modern life is political. If you think I can tolerate one more conservative on the Supreme Court, you're dreaming. Feck conservatives.