Why is Donald J Vermin having a Trade War with China and Canada? Shouldn't he enact penalties on the Billionaire owners of Apple, Ford?

General Motors, Maytag, Intel, Amazon, and every other Billionaire American who refuses to build in America, buy in America and support American workers with living wages and complete benefits? Just makes sense, doesn't it?

Apple, Ford and other corporations make their decisions based on the numbers. Any company that wants to survive in the long term does. Making business decisions based on political views is like picking stocks because you like the company name. You will end up losing.

Your Vermin Clinton lost

Your question is argumentative nonsense.

Companies build abroad because foreign workers cost less, and the manufacturers don't have to fight unions. (Governmental regulations are actually not a big problem.)

While it is true that some senior managers make ridiculous high salaries, their total compensation is trivial on the companies' income statements. (You probably never took a course in accounting or finance, did you?)

Also, Maytag is NOT a company any longer. It is a brand name purchased by Whirlpool in 2006.

PS: Your grammar sucks, too.