If the Dems are the nice party in America then why did the Vietnam War escalate under LBJ and finally end under Ford?

If the Dems are the "nice" party in America then why did the Vietnam War escalate under LBJ and finally end under Ford?

There's nothing "nice" about the DNC.

It escalated under JFK and ended under Nixon.

Because they were fulfilling the role of the ruling elite.

Democrats are good at fooling desperate people into thinking they will help. Beware of strangers bearing gifts

Their Party was different back then, but Johnson wanted to escalate the bombing in order to end the war. He didn't like it either, politically or any other way.

We were keeping Communism from spreading. I would think that Republicans would love that.

I think it's funny how Republicans must go back almost 50 years to find things to criticize Democrats about.

Only other dems think they are the "nice party".

Let's compare the two political parties with respect to which one gets us into wars.
See if you can find the common denominator in the following…
(1) WW1, President, Wilson, DEMOCRAT
(2) WW2, President, Roosevelt, DEMOCRAT
(3) Korea, President, Truman, DEMOCRAT
(4) Vietnam, President, Johnson, DEMOCRAT
(5) Afghanistan, President, Obama, DEMOCRAT