How is the FBI supposed to investigate Mrs. Fords claims if she refuses to even say what year it happened?
How is the FBI supposed to investigate Mrs. Fords claims if she refuses to even say what year it happened?
Added (1). Amaretta- since she chose to make her claims public i feel the people have a right to know. I mean how can YOU make a fair decision on her credibility if you can't even tell YOU what year it happened?
She's obviously willing to share information with the FBI that she isn't willing to share with the general public.
Ford is a Democratic plant. Both her and Feinstein need to be arrested.
The FBI does not investigate non Federal crimes.
- Why does the FBI have to investigate the Christine Blasey Ford claims? With the claim made by Christine Blasey Ford, why does the FBI have to investigate this and not the police? Is it because Kavanagh is a nominee for the supreme court? If he was just a 'no one' and she was a 'no one' wouldn't she go to the police?
- Why are the racist cons so racist they have problems with Dr. Fords claims just because she can't remember some of the nitty-gritty details? Such the month or the year that the incident happened! And big whoop she doesn't remember how she got there! What matters is that was she is saying feels right my fellow good liberals! Cenk Uygur the Snarkster coming at you racist cons!
- Why are the racist cons so racist they have problems with Dr. Fords claims just because she can't remember some of the nitty-gritty details? - 1 Such as the month or the year that the incident happened! And big whoop she doesn't remember how she got there! What matters is that what she is saying feels right my fellow good liberals! Cenk Uygur the Snarkster coming at you racist cons!
- Libs keep saying the FBI needs to investigate Kavanaugh but what is there to investigate? Ford has already named witnesses and none of them know what she is talking about. What other "evidence" could there possibly be 36 years later for an incident where no sex or injuries or property damage occurred?