Claim the Ford family lost a lawsuit a Kavanaugh was on is also not true. They in fact won that lawsuit. Is there anything cons can't?
Get wrong?
Added (1). Stop moving questions libcrusher you little freak.
Get wrong?
Added (1). Stop moving questions libcrusher you little freak.
Anyone who shows up and testifies will be doing so under oath. If Ford and Kavanaugh give two conflicting stories, then one of them has to be lying, and doing so under penalty of perjury.
Perhaps the one who does not WANT to show up and testify under oath is the one who would be lying.
Wouldn't make much sense for it to happen the other way around, now would it?
If she told anyone, that would be the end of any possible relationship. If she didn't tell anyone, she still had a chance. She had protected her honor and he obviously believed her. Now, if he would only try again, things might work out. It didn't work out and so there are these sour grapes.
Or is evidence not needed when assassinating a white man's character because of what southern Democrats did to Blacks?
She's accusing him of underage drinking!
If Christine Ford was wearing her school uniform at the time of the incident, did that make her more jumpable?
Why is the Trump admin talking about polygraphs to find the unnamed op-ed author, but claim they're unreliable when Ford takes one?
To prepare his defence, it would not be fair if she did not get to prepare her Lies.
If this were a criminal trial the accuser would have the burden of proof…
but this is no trial…
this is a JOB INTERVIEW. Right?
In job interviews, candidates are routinely disqualified for not being able to prove their innocence.
Added (1). they are routinely disqualified by a standard of "more likely than not" like it is in CIVIL court.
It could be that Kavanaugh is about the 30th man she has accused of sexual assault. Or that she just has a problem with people and always expects them to do her wrong. Like she accuses her sister of stealing her car when she couldn't remember where she parked. Or her neighbor shot her cat because she put it outside and it disappeared. Her poor husband and relatives, just accept her outbursts as the way she is, disregards them and continue on. But, note that you can't ask him for his opinion because he knows to defend his wife when she lies or he will catch hell from her. So, do you think Ford is crazy in more ways than just one?