Christine Ford supposedly has a history of delusions and making false claims Why do Dems believe her now?
Christine Ford supposedly has a history of delusions and making false claims Why do Dems believe her now?
I just hope that the ABSOLUTE TRUTH comes out. And soon. The Democrats love to destroy people with lingering doubt.
You have a history of delusions and false claims, so why should I believe you?
Except that NONE of what you said is true… Let's let the FBI investigate this matter and stand by their opinion.
By the time that Brett Kavanaugh was 17 he was a hard core alcoholic that he experienced black outs.
Do you know that when alcoholics experience black outs they are fully functional and thus fully responsible for their actions?
Because it suits their purpose
This is why dr. Ford's medical and therapy records need to be demanded by the FBI. If she does have delusions and mental illness - this needs to be brought out. Why should she be protected and his life be ruined? If kavanaugh is being investigated, so should she be investigated. It's only fair! If she is lying, she should be prosecuted, and so should the others that have made outlandish claims against him. Remember - it could happen to any of us - convicted on allegations only and no proof of guilt except someone who could be lying. Investigate them both!
The democrat senators have no shame, love to grandstand, are desperate, haven't been in power in two years, will lie, cheat and steal to get ahead and simply all meet in hell after they die.
People in USA, we having elections in November 2018, VOTE REPUBLICANS, FEDERAL And STATE LEVELS… Democrats will get our message very quickly…
Who thinks they really believe her? Am I supposed to trust anything the Democrats say? They are using Ford, who may be the victim if anything of hypnosis and other mental issues, for their own political goals. They are very open about destroying ANY Republican nominee to that all-important fifth seat. I'm all for the FBI investigation -- which I think will backfire on the Dems. I think the Dems believed Kavanaugh would drop out or Trump would drop him. Or they believed he would not fight back in the hearing. Then they played their last card before the hearing and kept calling for an FBI investigation. I think they are stunned now because their bluff has been called. They think they can shout, hurl false accusations, call everyone who opposes them vile names, and eventually their target will fold. No chance when dealing with men like Kavanaugh and Trump. Poor Dems. Your tactics may work against weaklings, but now the alpha males are back in charge. I look forward to all the truth coming out -- about Ford, Kavanaugh, Feinstein, the therapist, the lawyers, and everyone else. Let's see who is credible.
How many years… 30 or more?
Why would Christine leave on her (wet?) bathing suit? Most, especially going to a party, after a swim, the first thing is to take off your suit and even maybe a quick shower/rinse and change into your dry clothes. How does she remember all those details, but not how she got to the house party? And who's house IS it? Is it the guy whose name she can't recall? Somebody lived there!
I think Ford must be investigated, seems like lots of lies and the biggest inconsistency that no one has mentioned: does it make sense that if she really had escaped from an attempted rape/murder she leaves her girl friend behind with 4 boys 2 of which just assaulted her and she doesn't call the police or a friend to help her get her friend away from the boys that attacked her. Since they weren't a group of close friend the friend said she never met Kavanaugh- so couldn't have been good friends with group of friends how could Ford leave her best friend with attempted rapist and not call police to help her. This does not make sense to me. She is either a liar or a monster.
Ford is a liar
- Now the thing everybody knew since the beginning has been proven (Christine Ford is a liar) should we believe any woman from here on? Hmm… You know what, i see most women as a potential false accuser now. Gotta sleep with one eye open, gentlemen.
- Is Christine Ford like one of those celebrity stalkers. She has imagined a whole history with Kavanaugh but has never even met him? I think Brad Pitt had a woman swear she was married to him secretly for 10 years.,… Ford seems like the same kind of of case
- Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also? Admitted to not being proud of the number of partners she was with. You Democrats seem to be unaware of this or maybe you simply downplay it. This is all political in nature, and you either know that or you are simply stupid! Why do you have Kavanaugh pegged as guilty? Isn't it innocent until proven guilty?
- Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also? - 1 Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also?