Esteemed Phd in San Francisco ( Pelosi land )?
"Esteemed"… What the hell does that word mean when you look at the facts?
( Fact ) A Palo Alto ( south of Pelosi land - S.F. ) writes a letter to Feinstein months ago.
( Fact ) Doesn't want to be identified.
( Fact ) She ( a PHD ) which requires a perfect memory just to get that education.
( Fact ) Says she doesn't remember where her claim happened.
( Fact ) Doesn't remember when it happened.
( Fact ) But claims she remembers something happened
( Fact ) Oh yea, some 35 somewhat years ago.
( Fact ) Feinstein held this letter for months didn't make a peep in private or public hearings.
( Fact ) Now the judge is scheduled for a senate vote dems knowing he has the votes.
( Fact ) Now Feinstein brings it up?
( Fact ) The FBI has already looked at it and determined they're not going to investigate.
( Fact ) It has been confirmed that Christine Blasey Ford has been a long term democrat / socialist party donor.
Now, using common sense, How do these "esteemed" facts take you?
Ford's a red pinko commie Big Lib liar or sure
California: land of fruits and nuts
Washington lawyers, on the other hand, are as good as they get.
Where I come from " esteemed " means some sort of extraordinary accomplishment or contribution.
I will wait for the Libs to list those contributions.
I think the whole thing is Feminist propaganda.
Calling something a fact doesn't make it so.
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